Upcoming physical agility tests for Natural Resources Police Officer candidates announced in West Virginia

The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR) has announced upcoming physical agility tests for those interested in becoming Natural Resources Police Officers (NRPO). These crucial assessments are part of the application process for candidates seeking to join the ranks of law enforcement tasked with protecting the state’s valuable natural resources.

Candidates will need to successfully complete a series of physical agility tests scheduled for August at various locations. Tests are set for August 10 at the South Charleston Community Center at 9 a.m., August 17 at the Beckley YMCA at 9 a.m., and September 7 at the Romney Wellness Center at 9 a.m. Walk-ons will be accepted for these testing dates.

In addition to the physical tests, applicants must participate in a written examination conducted by the West Virginia Division of Personnel on September 9 at 11 a.m. at the WVDNR headquarters in South Charleston.

The physical agility test includes the following components:

  • Upper Body Strength: Candidates must complete 18 proper push-ups in one minute.
  • Aerobic Power (1.5 Mile Run): Candidates must finish a 1.5-mile run within 14 minutes and 36 seconds; appropriate running attire is advised.
  • Muscular Endurance: A requirement of 28 proper sit-ups within one minute.
  • Swimming Test: Candidates must swim 37.5 yards fully clothed, so long pants and a shirt are necessary for this test.

Natural Resources Police Officers play a vital role in enforcing laws and rules across West Virginia, possessing full law enforcement authority statewide. Their primary mission is to safeguard the state’s natural resources from unlawful activities.

To be eligible for these positions, applicants must be open to relocating and working in any county throughout West Virginia. They must also be prepared to work all shifts and be on call, understanding that assignments may not be guaranteed in their preferred county.

For more information on NRPO job requirements, minimum qualifications, and online application access, visit WVdnr.gov/job-openings.