West Virginia to unveil new exhibition on historic buildings and structures July 28

CHARLESTON — The West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History will soon unveil a new exhibition at the Culture Center, State Capitol Complex. The event, featuring the exhibit “West Virginia Historic Buildings and Structures,” will begin at 2 p.m. on July 28, 2024, with a reception and awards ceremony.

The exhibit is part of “Inspired: A West Virginia Series of Juried Exhibitions” and focuses on historic buildings and structures throughout the state. This is the second installation of the series, which features themes specific to West Virginia. The exhibition showcases 33 pieces, including paintings, drawings, photography, mixed media, and prints. Twenty-one artists from twelve counties, including Upshur County, contributed to the show.

“It’s a wonderful opportunity to highlight the richness of West Virginia’s artistic talent and historical architecture,” Sidney Duncan, the exhibits coordinator, said.

The reception and awards ceremony are open to the public, and light refreshments will be available. The exhibit will remain on display in the West Virginia State Museum’s Commissioner’s Gallery at the Culture Center until mid-December 2024.

For additional information, contact Sidney Duncan at (304) 558-0220 or Sidney.L.Duncan@wv.gov.